How must the heating networks of the future in Germany be structured in order to meet the increasing requirements? This is the subject of the BMWK-funded research project “UrbanTurn”.

Aims of the “UrbanTurn” research project

The current and future further development of existing district heating systems will contribute significantly to the development of previously unused efficiency potentials through the installation and use of digital components. The overall objective of the “UrbanTurn” research project is to develop and derive technical solutions for the pipeline-based heat supply to utilise the potentials that arise in the course of digitalisation and the further development of district heating systems.

In addition, the project pursues the following sub-goals

  • Testing and development of new network components in interaction with the test facility, taking into account a characteristic overall system behaviour;
  • Quantification of the effects of volatile pressures and temperatures on the hydraulics and stresses of the heating network;
  • Development and validation of measures for the transformation of existing district heating systems;
  • Development of proposals for the amendment of the technical regulations for district heating statics;
  • Investigation and development of methods and instruments for the digitalisation of district heating supply.

Initial study results now show how the existing infrastructure must be further developed in order to achieve the German climate goals. Interested parties can view the study here:

Figure: The structure of future district heating systems is being researched in the “District LAB”. Source: AGFW