One of Germany’s biggest P2H plants is currently under construction in Hamburg
Construction has begun on one of the biggest P2H plants in northern Germany. It will be used to more efficiently run offshore wind parks, as well as onshore wind [...]
Construction has begun on one of the biggest P2H plants in northern Germany. It will be used to more efficiently run offshore wind parks, as well as onshore wind [...]
In June, three webinars already took place in the Swiss model region. With 20 to 45 attendees, it was a great success. The webinars were recorded for interested audience [...]
In the framework of the European project ‘RES-DHC’ (, IREN and Ambiente Italia have recently launched the Italian RSAG (Regional Stakeholder Advisory Group), which involves numerous stakeholders on the [...]
The elaborated survey addresses relevant aspects impacting renewable energy sources in district heating and cooling systems (RES DHC) at EU level. Seven additional countries, outside of the project consortium, [...]
The Interreg Central Europe project ENTRAIN addresses quality management systems for RES DHC networks in rural areas. Such a QM system is now introduced in the Italian Region Friuli [...]
Poland - as one of the implementing countries of the RES-DHC project - has Europe’s second largest district heating market. Currently, there are around 400 district heating networks in [...]
Thirty representatives of public infrastructure, heating network operators, engineering offices, regional planners, experts and financiers were informed about the RES-DHC project, discussing decarbonisation and the opportunities provided by the [...]