In June, three webinars already took place in the Swiss model region. With 20 to 45 attendees, it was a great success. The webinars were recorded for interested audience who missed the webinars.
The webinars where organized and moderated by the Swiss project partners Verenum and Planair. Several presentations were held on topics related to the subjects Towards 100% renewable district heating? and Sector coupling due to thermal grids, the former one not only in German but also in French in order to attract a larger audience. In the webinar Towards 100% renewable district heating? speakers from Solites, QM Holzheizwerke and Geothermie Schweiz discussed the role of solar thermal and heat storages, biomass plants and geothermal in district heating. On the topic of Sector Coupling presenters from the German district heating association AGFW, Rytec and Energie Ausserschwyz spoke about heat pumps in district heating systems and practical examples.
The event was a very interesting and constructive sharing of knowledge and experience. The local speakers shared their experience from the regional field, e.g. demonstrating practical solutions already implemented in Switzerland. The audience was very interested with pertinent questions and contributions.
The two-hour webinars are available for replay on the RES-DHC Swiss YouTube channel.
Text and picture: Planair