Construction has begun on one of the biggest P2H plants in northern Germany. It will be used to more efficiently run offshore wind parks, as well as onshore wind turbines, by using excess electricity for heat generation. As a result of that, roughly 100,000 tons of CO2-emissions can be avoided annually and 27,000 households are supplied with regenerative heat.
The plant is supposed to help solve a major problem with renewable generation of electricity in northern Germany. On windy days, the turbines generate the largest amount of power. However, the amount of electricity that can be transported through the transmission grid is limited. Instead of shutting down wind farms to avoid production peaks, the system uses the generated excess electricity to heat up water for district heating.
The plant is integrated into one of Wärme Hamburg‘s district heating networks, supplying 27.000 households. It will be activated on demand of 50Hertz Transmission, the transmission network operator responsible for the grid operation in Hamburg and eastern Germany, who also bears the investment for the plant. It is estimated that 31.5 Mio Euros have to be invested until the system is fully functional.
In addition to the heat generation by the plant itself, also a thermal power station nearby that is based on coal can reduce production, which will save another 50,000 tons of CO2 per year.
With 80 MW of heat capacity, it is one of the biggest plants of this kind, and should go into operation between 2022 and 2023.
For the various partners this project is an important step towards decarbonization and essential for the reduction of coal in district heating networks.
Further Information here.
Text: Solites
Picture: Plattform Erneuerbare Energien Baden-Württemberg e.V.