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Dear readers,
in this newsletter we would like to share our first RES-DHC project outcomes with you. Within the first project phase, the regional structures were established and first capacity building activities took place. All project outcomes are published on the new Know-How area at the RES-DHC website. Furthermore, there are also some international news beyond the RES-DHC model regions discussing relevant aspects for increasing RES in DHC.
Enjoy reading!
Your RES-DHC project team
August 2021
The Swiss model region starts off actions with a series of webinars
In June, three webinars already took place in the Swiss model region. With 20 to 45 attendees, it was a great success. The webinars were recorded for interested audience who missed the webinars.
Lithuanian energy transition sets European record
The Lithuanian heat sector is in the midst of a rapid and radical transformation process, introducing a 70 % share of renewable energy sources, mainly biomass, in district heating within just a few years. Now, networks are upgraded and new possibilities with solar and heat pumps are being examined, assisted by the countries participation in the EU-projects Upgrade DH and RES-DHC. Read more...
Baseline survey on EU level elaborated
The elaborated survey addresses relevant aspects impacting renewable energy sources in district heating and cooling systems (RES DHC) at EU level. Seven additional countries, outside of the project consortium, are identified as having high potential for RES DHC. District heating currently supplies heat to 60 million European citizens, covering around 11 % of the final energy for heating and cooling of buildings. Read more...
Solar District Heating (SDH) News
Costs of solar heat projects are falling
The IRENA report Renewable Power Generation Costs in 2020 illustrates how the competitiveness of solar and wind power improved dramatically in the decade 2010 to 2020.
SHD factsheet database online
The IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme has just launched a database containing a substantial number of fact sheets about solar district heating technologies, best practices and markets. 29 documents, written by the most experienced SDH researchers and practitioners from China and Europe, are available online. Read more...
SDH plant performs well in Swiss winter conditions
A new solar district heating plant in Geneva, Switzerland, is basking in the limelight of Swiss politics, with environmental minister Simonetta Sommaruga personally attending the start-up of the system at the end of February 2021. The 816 m² solar field consists of special high-vacuum flat panels supplying heat to Geneva’s district heating network at a temperature of 85 °C, even in winter. Read more...
17th International Symposium on DHC The world’s gathering place for district heating and cooling experts from academia and industry 06-09 Sep 2021
Towards Efficient District Heating and Cooling in Europe Final workshop of the Upgrade DH project 15 Sep 2021
7th International Conference on Smart Energy Systems This year’s conference will be a hybrid event with the possibility of attending either online or in person 21-22 Sep 2021
Take a look at our calendar of events...
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 952873.
The sole responsibility for the content of this website lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the views by the institutions of the European Union. Neither the European Commission nor the authors are responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
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